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Taken 5-Jan-16
Visitors 166

11 of 166 photos
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Dimensions1388 x 1104
Original file size726 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date modified5-Jan-16 10:09
Shooting Conditions

Camera makeEPSON
Camera modelPerfection V700/V750
1947-10 Carlton Butcher, Deer.jpeg

1947-10 Carlton Butcher, Deer.jpeg

October 9, 1947
SOME HUNTERS SOLVE PROBLEM OF MEATLESS, POULTRYLESS DAYS-This is part of the more than 10,000 pounds of venison that Bill McGhie, owner of Carlton Frozen Food Lockers, estimates that hunters have left with him for storage so far this season. Hanging in his cold room Wednesday were 85 deer; 3 bear, 2 taken locally, and 3 moose killed in Canada. He says this is as many as he had stored at the end of last hunting season. The moose horns at right have a spread of nearly 47 inches. It will provide nearly 600 pounds of meat for Fred Juenemann of Carlton who made the kill.