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Taken 8-Aug-12
Visitors 205

15 of 1064 photos
Categories & Keywords

Category:Architecture and Structures
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:1938-5, First National Bank, fire
Photo Info

Dimensions2705 x 2149
Original file size3.66 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date modified8-Aug-12 09:56
1938-5_U.S. National Bank Fire-1

1938-5_U.S. National Bank Fire-1

1938-5-19, Smoke Bellows from Burning Bank Building as Firemen Fight Flames,
"McMinnville's volunteer fire department battle a difficult blaze in the attic of the united States National Bank building Tuesday evening. While hundreds and the Telephone Register camera looked on, firemen worked with axes and hoselines on the roof to get more water into the enclosed fire."