1940s Pacific Greyhound bus City of McMinnville Dedication.jpeg
August 12, 1937
New Stage Christened “City of McMinnville”
A new Greyhound stage was christened “City of McMinnville” here yesterday morning with company and city officials taking part. The new stage is one of 500 purchased by the company for use throughout the country at a cost of $18,00 each. Those shown above took part in the christening. The four girls in the front row broke bottles of water from the city’s Idlewild restvoir over the wheels as Kathryn McGuire officiated. The girls are, left to right, Janice Crabtree, Allice Jean Fink, Donna Rae Potts and Shirley Noble. Others ate, left to right, B.M. Coldway of Portland; Jim Mark, driver; Hal Powell, M.J. Crabtree, C.K. Knickerbocker, Frank Wortman, James Smith, Kathryn McGuire and Mayor Oscar I. Chenowith.