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Taken 15-Jun-17
Visitors 65

17 of 1067 photos
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Dimensions1874 x 1349
Original file size780 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
2952 002

2952 002

Members of the city swim team who compete in the eight-and under and the 10 and under age groups take time from their training session to pose for photographer. The youngsters work out a the pool four days a week. Shown (l to r) are: 1st row--Nancy Treneman, Nancy Otte, Donna White, Jan Sherwood, Claudia McDaniel, Debbie Eder, Jackie Meicho, Angela Greyson. 2nd row--Suise Kielhorn, annette Blankenship, Debbie Shipman, Molly McDaniel, Kim Hampton, Connie Thompson, Nancy Hammond, Ellen Osborne. Back row--Ann Treneman, Linda Elder, Karen Louys, Jannis Trott, Pam White, Cindy Elder, Tara Smith and Debbie Lutes.